Put yourself on the path to continuous learning and career growth

Selfie of PathFactory employees Helen, Murali and Rachel smiling on a street in San Francisco with the famous trolley cars in the background

The people at PathFactory are passionate about many things: Marketing, obviously. Building great software. Solving complex problems. Delighting our customers. Just to name a few.

If there’s one thing we all share, however, it’s a passion for learning and growth. We come to work every day excited to learn from our clients – and each other.

If you love a challenge, and you frequently dive head-first into uncharted waters because you know it’s the fastest way to learn and grow your career, we want you on our side to help us grow this company.

Sales Assembly member badge, 2021

“I suspect the hiring process may involve a very strong jerk filter. Our team makes every day fun and I’m constantly inspired to be better. Plus, they’re cool with me wearing shorts in the summer.”
Evan Doyle
Senior Demand Generation and Operations Manager
PathFactory employee Evan, smiling man with blonde hair and glasses, wearing a dark green collared shirt
PathFactory Perks
Icon of a green plant with three leaves

Professional Development Fund

Your annual professional development allowance gives you the flexibility to choose the learning and growth opportunities that are right for you.

Icon of a blue graduate cap

Path University

Attend Path U sessions and workshops taught by your peers to become a Content Insight and Activation expert, and browse the archives to pick up anything you missed.

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Performance Reviews

Discuss your progress and accomplishments with your manager twice a year so you can set objectives for your role and goals for your career.

Icon of a baby's diaper

Maternity and Parental Leave

Grow your career and your family at the same time. You can take time off without worrying and we’ll even top up your benefits to help you pay for all those diapers.

Icon of blue circles stacked to represent weights in a gym

Healthy bodies, healthy minds

Be your best you with our discounted gym membership and fresh, healthy office snacks. (But you might want to cheat on Fridays when we provide team lunches.)

Icon of the Toronto skyline

Location, location, location

With Walk and Transit Scores of 100, you can walk, take the TTC, or ride your bike to our downtown Toronto office at Queen and Spadina.

Icon of 5 red dots connected by lines, representing a network

Employee Referral Program

You might already know our next Best Employee Ever. Refer them to earn a cash bonus when they’re hired.

Icon of a trophy

Founders Award

It’s nice to be recognized for your hard work, but we also like to recognize you for how that hard work gets done each quarter.

A picture’s worth a thousand words

We could say a lot more about what it’s like to work at PathFactory, but we won’t. Instead, check out our Instagram account for the latest behind-the-scenes photos and videos from our employees.

We’re hiring.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? We’re always looking for top talent, so email careers@ to tell us more about yourself.


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